Pain In Early Pregnancy
A pregnancy is a great strain on the body of the expectant mother.
Especially during the first months (early pregnancy) some changes have to be initiated within the organism.
Above all, the change in hormonal balance can cause various complaints in early pregnancy.
Women who are pregnant for the first time often tend to worry about completely normal symptoms of early pregnancy.
Feelings of tension and slight pain in the area of the breasts are among the most common complaints that occur especially during the first few months.
Many women report pronounced breast tenderness during pregnancy during the first weeks of pregnancy.
Breast changes during pregnancy
In addition, the hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause nausea and vomiting.
In principle, these symptoms can occur throughout the day.
However, the majority of women suffer from morning sickness and vomiting during early pregnancy.
In addition, itching may occur during pregnancy.
In cases where this itching is weak, women should not worry.
Slight itching during early pregnancy may have hormonal causes and disappear completely over time.
Even women who are already in later stages of pregnancy often complain of itchy skin.
In most cases, this phenomenon is caused by the slow stretching of the skin caused by the growth of the child.
Although most of the symptoms that occur during early pregnancy are harmless, a specialist (gynaecologist) should be consulted if there is severe pain, bleeding or persistent symptoms.
Is pain normal in early pregnancy?
Pain in early pregnancy is often normal and occurs in many pregnant women. The body has to adapt to the new conditions and make room for the growing child, especially in the uterus. The stretching of the uterus and its ligaments as well as the widening of the bony pelvis in the symphysis area can be the cause of the pain. As the pregnancy progresses, the body soon adapts to the new situation and the pain subsides.
Nevertheless, if pain persists, serious causes of the pain must always be taken into consideration and clarified with a doctor. These include, for example, an imminent miscarriage, infections in the abdomen (inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, cystitis, appendicitis) or an incorrect implantation of the fertilised egg in the fallopian tube (ectopic pregnancy). Persistent, increasing or severe pain is therefore an absolute reason to consult a gynaecologist.
Also, pain that occurs during early pregnancy is in most cases completely harmless and is related to the adaptation of the organism to the growing child.
However, it should be noted that pain during early pregnancy can also be a warning signal.
For this reason, a specialist should always be consulted immediately in case of doubt.
In many cases, the localisation and quality of the pain felt can provide an initial indication of its cause.
Especially during the first three months after egg fertilisation (so-called early pregnancy) there is a risk of miscarriage.
Harmless causes
Simple abdominal pain, which every woman of childbearing age often suffers through, can also occur during early pregnancy.
In most cases, young women suffer this form of pain shortly before or during menstruation.
During pregnancy, most women are confused or even frightened when they experience similar pain.
However, abdominal pain during early pregnancy is not uncommon and in most cases completely harmless.
Once the egg has been fertilised, it first settles in the uterus (technical term: uterus).
Subsequently, the organism must adjust to the pregnancy and release various pregnancy hormones.
The uterus itself begins to increase in size and exert corresponding pressure on the still solid tissue and muscles of the pelvis. In addition, especially during early pregnancy, the retaining ligaments of the uterus are strongly stretched to provide sufficient space for the growing child.
This large number of changes within the female organism can cause severe pain (especially abdominal pain), especially during early pregnancy.
Women who experience menstrual pain during early pregnancy rarely have to worry seriously about the unborn child.
In most cases, the symptoms subside within a few weeks and disappear completely by the end of the first trimester.
Another symptom often associated with harmless pain in early pregnancy is flatulence.
Serious causes
If a woman suffers from prolonged and/or particularly severe pain during early pregnancy, this can have serious causes.
No matter whether the symptoms are limited to one side of the abdomen or both sides, a gynaecological examination should not be delayed for long. The most common diseases that lead to persistent and/or severe pain during early pregnancy are:
- Strains of the mother ligament
- Ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy)
- miscarriage
- Early labour
- Leiomyomas (benign tumors)
- placental detachment
The presence of an ectopic pregnancy (implantation of the fertilised egg within a fallopian tube) is a potentially life-threatening situation in which treatment must be given as quickly as possible. Otherwise there is a risk of rupture (tearing) of the fallopian tube.
This in turn can lead to enormous bleeding or even death.
An early appointment with a specialist can save lives in these cases.