How to Retire Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Pension at last! So you can retire calmly and enjoy the new phase of life to the full.

At 20 or 30, the pension is so far away that you don’t really think about it. When you’re 40 or 50, you always catch yourself in a stressful or frustrating moment on the job thinking, “Could I just retire? And at the age of 60? It’s getting serious! And some people suddenly get funny when they think about not “having to” go to work in the morning anymore. That is quite normal and is simply part of such a big change.

However, some people have a bad feeling that they fear day X and that their well-deserved retirement is accompanied by serious depressive moods. To make sure that this doesn’t happen to you, we have put together a few useful tips for you below.

Don’t forget paperwork!

Somewhat banal, but for the sake of completeness: take care of your pension application in good time. Finding documents and filling out forms is probably what most people don’t really like to do. If you do not put it off that long, you will have plenty of time to find out if any questions or problems arise during the application process.

Familiarise yourself with the idea

A big mistake that many prospective pensioners make: to repress the idea of the forthcoming pension as long as possible. This strategy basically has only disadvantages…Many employees make it more difficult to hand over projects to younger employees. As a result, a certain hectic atmosphere breaks out shortly before they leave and the expectant pensioner leaves his desk with an unpleasant feeling of “without me, things will not go well here”.

The colleagues on the other side are (rightly) annoyed by your lack of foresight and willingness to cooperate. In addition, the first day off comes suddenly, feeling uncanny, and the realization that professional life is now over hits the new pensioners with full force. Combined with the fact that no thought has yet been given to what to do with all this time, those affected often fall into a kind of hole and find their retirement painfully boring.

So do it better and start dealing with the issue early – both at work and at home. At work, you can start making lists and making a relaxed handover. If you take enough time for this, you can walk with a good feeling and your colleagues will remember you well.

In your private life, let your thoughts run wild. Is there something that has always appealed to you? Do you have a hobby that you can finally devote more time to? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to think about new tasks. You may approach your pension calmly and completely. But don’t underestimate how quickly a good book is finished or how quickly all the pots on the balcony are replanted.

Estimate your age realistically

Among today’s (expectant) pensioners, there are interestingly two large, very opposing groups. On the one hand, there are those who believe that with a little over 60 you are already old and can’t really do much with your life anymore. On the other hand, there are those who think that you are still much too young for retirement and that your young colleagues would be completely lost without you.

As a rule, both groups are wrong. On the way to retirement, it is important to assess your own age realistically. If people were quite old 20 or 30 years ago at the age of 60, things are different today. Statistically you still have more than 20 years ahead of you at the age of 60, which you can live in good health. So: Do not hide away, but be happy that 60 is no age today and you have the best conditions to enjoy your pension to the fullest. On the other hand, you have to admit that you are not 30 anymore.

You have already worked for 30 or 40 years and earned your retirement. Even if you are still fit, you have to admit that you are no longer a young hoofer. The young generation is simply more resilient in many respects. That is truly no shame! Forget your high expectations and allow yourself to enjoy the peace and quiet of retirement!

Use the time sensibly: yes, overfill the appointment calendar: no.

Admittedly, it is not that easy to find the right balance in the new daily schedule. Because it is just as unadvisable to fill the days with long while, as it is advisable to completely overtax oneself and to be more stressed at the end than in the working life. Psychologists say that both the so-called boreout syndrome (i.e. depressive moods caused by boredom and underexertion) and the opposite burnout syndrome caused by extreme stress and permanent overexertion are common among pensioners.

So get a good feel for your new everyday life and don’t claim that everything must have settled down after just a few months. If you notice that it is too much for you, delete one or the other new obligation. If you are bored from time to time, consider something beautiful to fill the time better.